Unison is proud to be the supplier of the Expansion Joints
to $63 million new Sydney Metro Martin Place project. This iconic integrated station precinct
includes the metro station, two new commercial buildings above the station, a
retail space and new underground pedestrian connections.

The underground pedestrian malls connect to the new metro station, the Eastern Suburbs and Illawarra Train Lines and nearby bus services

As expected with an extremely busy Metro Station – Martin place will have hundreds of pedestrians daily and at times light vehicle traffic. Unisons Fx CHT extra heavy-duty expansion joint system was chosen.
Suitable for use in concourse areas such as stadiums, convention centres, airport terminals. FxCH can be supplied with cover plates finished in natural and colour anodised aluminium, or bead-blasted. There is also an optional “T” bracket modification, for use in exposed agg, terrazzo, stone or paving. The 80 metres of Heavy-Duty floor expansion joint system was bead blasted for P5 slip resistance rating.

For further information on design, CAD drawings, technical advice, supply or installation of expansion joints please call 07 3907 0500 OR email sales@unisonjoints.com.au